🔢Price Oracle

Price Oracle contracts

Ethereum Contract
Base Contract










Price Oracle Methodology

The oracle infrastructure is based on a proof-of-reserve design. The orcale-price is updated with the performance of the reference value of the underlying.

The Redemption Amount is calculated on the basis of a hypothetical best-efforts liquidation of assets reflecting the number of shares of the Underlying that corresponds to the number of Tokens redeemed by the Tokenholder. However, under certain market conditions, discrepancies between the oracle price and the actual market price may occur due to volatility or delays in price propagation. While the calculation aims to mirror the market value of the underlying assets, actual redemption values may vary due to market conditions or operational constraints during the liquidation process.

Instant redemptions are atomically available at the designated on-chain oracle price.




Report Preparation


Midas reviews the performance of the reference value of the respective underlying , and prepares a report.

Price Propagation Initiation


Midas proposes a new price using their nested gnosis safe. The price will only be propagated once Ankura signs with their nested gnosis safe.

Report validation

Ankura Trust

Ankura leverages its read-only and confirms the the report Midas prepared.

Report publishing

Ankura Trust

Ankura publishes on Midas’ public sharepoint the final report. A link to the sharepoint is always accessible from www.midas.app

Price Propagation

Ankura Trust

Ankura confirms the price via their nested gnosis safe, and the oracle price is updated after the transaction is executed

Verification of Price Oracle

Ankura Trust is engaged as verification agent to provide an independent verification for assets that are held off-chain (e.g. mTBILL). The verification agents checks daily that the collateral meets the eligibility criteria and verifies reference price of the respective underlying.

Last updated